2006.9-2010.7 本科 河南师范大学 专业:心理学
2010.9-2013.7 硕士 西南大学 专业:基础心理学
2015.9-2020.7 博士 华南师范大学 专业:心理学
2013.8-2015.8 川北医学院 助教
2019.8-2020.8 新加坡国立大学 研究助理
Chang, J., Hu, J., Li, C. S. R., & Yu, R. (2020). Neural correlates of enhanced response inhibition in the aftermath of stress. NeuroImage, 204. (JCR一区,Impact Factor = 5.902)
Chang, J., & Yu, R. (2019). Hippocampal connectivity in the aftermath of acute social stress. Neurobiology of Stress, 11. (JCR一区,Impact Factor = 7.197)
Chang, J., & Yu, R. (2019). Acute social stress modulates coherence regional homogeneity. Brain imaging and behavior, 13(3), 762-770. (JCR二区,Impact Factor = 3.391)
Chang, J., & Yu, R. (2018). Alternations in functional connectivity of amygdalar subregions under acute social stress. Neurobiology of stress, 9, 264-270. (JCR一区,Impact Factor = 7.197)
Xue, S., Wang, X., Chang, J., Liu, J., & Qiu, J. (2016). Amplitude of low-frequency oscillations associated with emotional conflict control. Experimental brain research, 234(9), 2561-2566. (JCR三区,Impact Factor = 1.591)
Chang, J., Zhang, M., Hitchman, G., Qiu, J., & Liu, Y. (2014). When you smile, you become happy: Evidence from resting state task-based fMRI. Biological psychology, 103, 100-106. (JCR二区,Impact Factor = 2.763)
常晶晶, 刘强, & 邱江. (2012). 异同判断中“快同效应”的大脑机制: 一项ERP研究. 心理科学, 35 (4), 829-835.
连续获华南师范大学博士研究生一等奖学金 (2015-2017)