国际学术研讨会 一号公告
参会论文要求为学术性原创论文,内容具有前瞻性,在国内外尚未公开发表。内容摘要请以 Word 文档方式(以“姓名+单位”为文档名)提交,以电子邮件形式(以研讨会名称为邮件主题)提交给会议筹备组。请用中文或英文写作,篇幅不超过一页。
参会论文字数以10000至15000字左右为宜。论文全文请以 Word 文档名“姓名+单位”提交,以电子邮件形式(以研讨会名称为邮件主题)提交给会议筹备组。
参会论文要求研究方法严谨,论题和论点明确,文献引用规范。中文论文格式请参照《中国行政管理》期刊,英文论文格式请参照 Journal of Asian Public Policy 。摘要中列3~5个关键词并附作者简介(作者姓名、单位、职称、研究方向及联系方式)。
论文摘要提交截止日期为 2020年12月20日。经会议筹备组专家评审后,在2021年1月1日之前寄发正式参会邀请函,未通过评审的论文不再另行通知。论文全文提交截止日期为2021年1月30日。凡1月30日仍未提交论文全文的作者,将视为自动放弃本次会议。
邮箱:zhouyuepeng@xmu.edu.cn (英文论文请发此邮箱)
“全球风险社会下的公共治理:挑战与应对” 国际学术研讨会
International Symposium on Public Governance in a Global Risk Society: Challenges and Responses
April 5th-7th, 2021, Xiamen, China
School of Public Affairs/School of Public Policy, Xiamen University,Xiamen, China
In 2021, the Communist Party of China (CPC) will celebrate its centenary. Xiamen University will also celebrate its 100th anniversary as well. Founded by the renown patriotic overseas Chinese tycoon Mr. Tan Kah Kee, Xiamen University is the first university built by overseas Chinese in the history of modern Chinese higher education. Since its inception, Xiamen University has been progressing in tandem with the development of its motherland and people.
The world today is undergoing drastic changes unseen in human history. The Covid-19 pandemic has cast shadows on the future social and economic prosperity of China and the rest of the world. It further highlights the urgency of building a resilient world community with a shared future. Standing at the historical crossroad, the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the CPC has announced its 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) for National Economic and Social Development and the Long-term Goals for the Year 2035. It emphasizes developing the Chinese government's capacities and competencies in foreseeing and tackling risks threatening China's modernization and world's peace and economic prosperity.
In the risk society, to what extent a government can efficiently and effectively manage and handle risks and crises indicates a government's administrative capacities and competencies. Facing unprecedented complexities and uncertainties, are we prepared? A lot more needs to be done academically and practically. We sincerely invite experts, scholars and professionals from home and abroad to attend the International Symposium on Public Governance in a Global Risk Society: Challenges and Responses, organized by the School of Public Affairs and School of Public Policy at Xiamen University, Xiamen, China on April 4th-6th, 2021.
In Xiamen, one of the most picturesque coastal cities in China, while celebrating Xiamen University's 100th anniversary, let us share advanced research and experience in public governance, discuss and brainstorm policies and solutions to address wicked problems, risks and crises ahead.
Topics to be addressed include (but not limited to):
1. Risks and challenges of public governance in a community of shared future for mankind
2. China's experience and lessons in preventing and controlling COVID-19 pandemic
3. Crisis management in the public sector
4. Emergency governance in public health
5. Big data and risk prediction and management
6. Digital governance and security
7. Cross-regional collaboration in risk management
8. Global governance in a community of shared future of mankind
9. Theories of public governance in a risk society
Working Language Chinese or English
Submission Requirements:
Abstract Submission:
Abstracts should be in Chinese or English in WORD FORMAT (.doc or .docx) and formatted according to the following guidelines.
Each abstract should include
• Title of the proposed article
• Authors' name and affiliation
• Abstract text of 500 words
• Max. 5 keywords
• Bibliographical references
Full Paper Submission:
Full papers should be in Chinese or English in WORD FORMAT (.doc or .docx) and formatted according to the publication requirements of the Journal of Asian Public Policy.
Important Dates
Abstract submission: Dec 20th, 2020.
Abstract Acceptance: Notifications will be sent before Jan 1, 2021 after peer review . Unaccepted abstracts will be not notified.
Full paper submission: Jan 30, 2021.
Symposium Registration: Apr 4 2021
Other Information:
Registration fees are waived. Other costs, such as transportation and accommodation, are not covered. The Organizing Committee will provide free snacks and catering.
Venue: The International Academic Exchange Center, Yifu Building, Xiamen University
For any further inquiries, please feel free to contact the Secretariat of Organizing committee.
Ms. Sumi Chen
Email: csm@xmu.edu.cn(Papers in Chinese)
Ms. Yuepeng Zhou
Email: zhouyuepeng@xmu.edu.cn(Papers in English)
Organizing Committee for the International Symposium on "Public Governance in the Global Risk Society: Challenges and Responses"